Seasonal Services
Spring Start-Ups
Spring Turn – Ons consist of a complete and thorough review of your entire irrigation system. We will inspect the system for any leaks as well as the adjustments of all heads to ensure well uniformed coverage throughout your lawn. Our experienced technician will also set an appropriate watering cycle to the controller, one that will be reliable to withstand the rising temperatures of the season to give you a lush green lawn throughout the summer. At the completion of our inspection, we will provide any suggestions that may be considered in the future to further enhance the irrigation system.
Mid-Summer Review
Mid-Summer Checkups are essential in making sure that your irrigation system is operating at a high level of efficiency in the most critical time of the season. We will review the operation of each zone, inspecting that all heads are properly adjusted and that there are no leaks in any of the piping. Updating the controller settings for a proper watering schedule to carry you through the remainder of the summer is also included in this service.
Fall Winterizations
Fall winterizations involve draining out all of the water from your backflow and copper pipes associated with the irrigation system to prevent freeze damage over the winter. We ‘blow out’ all your zones to prevent your underground pipes and heads from being damaged during the winter months. A properly winterized irrigation system will help ensure that everything is in working order come spring time saving you un-necessary repair expenses.
Please call us today to inquire on our Three Service Package that includes a Spring Start-Up, a Mid-Summer Review, and a Fall Winterization. We also offer a Two Service Package that includes the spring and fall services.